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Bide Toilet Scrub

Bide Toilet Scrub

Regular price £1.50 Sale price £0.75
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Bathroom Cleaningconfig:in-store-onlyconfig:variants:100g;250g;500g;1000gconfig:vat20UK SourcedVeganweyifyWeight
Visit us at 518 Holloway Road, London, N7 6JD

Bide is a social enterprise that offers cleaning and personal care products that are zero waste, plastic-free, and do good for the planet and those that inhabit it. They have a unique home manufacturing network that empowers unemployed and marginalized people to earn a living from the safety of their own homes.

Toilet Cleaning Scrub is the perfect non-toxic way to give your toilet a thorough clean. Made using a handful of vegan ingredients and fragranced with essential oils. This is a plastic and chemical-free solution for toilet cleaning.

The Epsom Salts provide a gentle abrasive for removing stubborn stains. While the citric acid and bicarbonate of soda tackle limescale.


How to use:

  • Sprinkle 1tbsp around the pan and into the bowl
  • Leave for 15mins
  • Scrub your toilet with a brush.


Ingredients: Bicarbonate of soda, Citric Acid, Epsom Salt, Grapefruit Essential Oil, Eucalyptus Essential Oil
*Allergens in bold
**This product may contain traces of allergens due to possible cross-contamination.
